Victoria University

Discover the path to your future

Reimagined the course guide to be more reflective of the organisations commitment to thinking about education differently

Worked collaboratively with the university to define and simplify the key benefits to prospective students

Developed new explanatory graphics for study pathways, flexible learning and the VU Block Model

Victoria University (VU) is a dual-sector university, with over 40,000 students enrolled in higher education and TAFE courses.

We were tasked with reimagining their 2023 course guide.

Working closely with the brand and marketing team and the Future Students team, we looked to build on the organisation’s challenger position, define the key benefits for potential students, and celebrate their diverse student base. VU offers a proven flexible learning approach – the VU Block Model, a wide range of dual sector courses, multiple learning pathways and other student-centric learning initiatives. Focussing on this broad support for helping students achieve their learning goals we developed a simple creative idea – ‘Discover your path’. To resonate with the audience, many of whom come from non-traditional learning backgrounds and can often be the first in family to attend university we focussed on bringing individuals and values to the fore.

With a proud heritage in serving Melbourne’s West, we ensured that the guide fully represented the university's multi-cultural and diverse population. We changed the format from the traditional 70-page plus document to a more manageable size by moving the in-depth course information to another, more functional guide. This cost-saving, combined with printing the guide using soy-based inks on recycled paper, helped to uphold VU’s commitment to sustainability and the environment.

A range of spreads from the course guide laid flat on a table.
Left: Cover of the VU Course Guide. Right: Close up on a spread.
Three spreads from the VU course guide.

Explore your best next.

To discuss how we can help you with your brand ambitions and challenges, please get in touch with our founder, Rachel Miles.