
headspace Values

Introduced characters to personify cultural values in a unique way

Created a campaign to inspire internal teams to live the values

Developed activations that were engaging, relevant and cost-effective

headspace, the national youth mental health organisation, asked us to help embed their new cultural framework ‘The headspace way.’ across the organisation.

The goal was to integrate a set of core cultural values and behaviours into the workplace, in turn fostering a stronger culture and attracting and retaining the best talent.

Our solution was to personify the four key values – Inclusion, Collaboration, Agility, and Excellence – through a series of engaging characters that could guide, educate, and inspire employees.

Through posters, Zoom backgrounds, merchandise, and a campaign we created momentum and excitement in the new framework, that has continued to be built on post launch.

four frames headspace values posters on an office wall
headspace values characters used in a zoom background
Left: you're excellent award sticker. Right: values character sticks on the lid of a laptop

Explore your best next.

To discuss how we can help you with your brand ambitions and challenges, please get in touch with our founder, Rachel Miles.