
Longer, healthier, happier lives

Developed the identity at key points over the past decade to keep pace with evolving business ambitions

Amplified key assets to drive distinctiveness

Created consistent and flexible design systems that empower local markets to talk to different services and audiences

Bupa is a global healthcare business serving over 43 million customers across 14 countries.

Over the past decade, the organisation has grown, evolved and diversified. At three pivotal points for the business over this period we have been tasked with adapting their identity to be more design-led and keep pace with business ambition.

Each time we have focussed on amplifying two distinctive assets – the square and the colour blue. With these assets as a foundation, simple principles to drive how Bupa look, sound and to inform the experiences they create for their customers have been established.

From top to bottom every element of the identity has been developed, including the logo which has been evolved to be more relevant for local markets and for increased emphasis on digitally delivered healthcare. These changes have delivered a brand identity that is that’s bold, contemporary and distinct. Today, Bupa is better positioned than ever to make a bigger impact through their purpose of helping people live longer, healthier, happier lives and making a better world.

Bupa is the registered trademark of The British United Provident Association Limited and is used under licence.

THe bupa logo at the top of their website, shown on a mobile phone
A businessman walks past a wall of street posters advertising a new Bupa Dental store in Camberwell
Left: Digital ad in the window of a Bupa store. Right: Staff member handing customer a Bupa Dental bag
A young boy in a wetsuit climbing out of the ocean with the words 'Our family fits yours' over the top
A selection of pages from Bupa's Brand Guidelines

Explore your best next.

To discuss how we can help you with your brand ambitions and challenges, please get in touch with our founder, Rachel Miles.